Please contact us and let us know of any issues with your Hot Water or Solar Electricity System. When contacting us, please provide as much information as possible so we can assist you with any maintenance requests. We aim to provide you the quickest and most cost-effective solution.
Solar Electricity:
For your solar electricity system please refer to your Handover pack for recommended maintenance. If you experience any issues or have any concerns with your new system, follow the manual shutdown system to shut down your system and switch it back on again. The manual shutdown procedure can be found here. If you are unsure on any of the steps, please contact us on 03 8795 7091 or [email protected]
Solar panel Cleaning:
Hot Water:
If you experience any issues or have any concerns with your new system please contact us on 03 8795 7091 or [email protected]
Please contact us for all general enquiries and questions. One of our friendly staff will be in touch with you soon.